Fix Lenovo Yoga C930 ‘Sound card Not Detected’ on Linux
Add the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf
ECE297 Mapper Migration (2021)
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind we do not own the copyrights of some course files such as osmXml2bin and the EZGL library. Please do not post any course files in a public repository. Before you read … Depending on your network connection, the below may take 10-15 minutes. It is Read more…
Import an Existing Git Repository onto GitHub
Background This guide should be particularly useful for importing the Git repositories created and stored on school servers onto GitHub. Steps Create a new (private) repository on GitHub. GitHub should give you a link in the following format: Now go into your already created Git repository to add the GitHub Read more…
Using Tools Effectively to Improve Productivity
You are welcome to repost this anywhere; however, you must state the source and the material must be accessible to the readers without them paying any cost. We have received reports of students having laggy connections to the EECG UG machines, while on Piazza we are seeing some of the Read more…
EECG Working from Home
This guide will provide instructions to setup either JetBrains Projector or Visual Studio Code‘s SSH extension to help you do the labs from home more efficiently. By setting up either one of those, you can write code as if you code directly on the remote lab machines. Compatible Client OS: Read more…
Final Review
本Review为之前周课的补充,在阅读本Review之外,建议阅读其他周课课件。底部附aid sheet一份 浮点的表示(Floating Point) 浮点,即某小数在二进制里的表示。需注意大部分情况下,浮点存储的数据都只是对真实数字的一个approximation,譬如1/3这个无限小数是不可能用浮点准确表达的。 浮点十进制与二进制的转换(IEEE754标准) 等下补充,不想学就用计算器算: 写码技巧 程序结束 如无特殊说明,任何程序结束时都需放入一个无限循环 END: MOV PC, END(不建议,理由见“三种方法将某地址放入某register”。假如这是个很大的程序,这一行码会在地址257出现,即END代表257这个地址,compile时会发生什么?) END: B END (简单易用) (Q: 不然会发生什么?A: “Instruction fetched from a location outside of a code section (.text or .exceptions).”每个程序都由不同的segment组成。在每一个可执行程序ELF里,都有header说明各segment开始和结束的地址。当一个非.text的地址进入了PC,debugger就会报以上错。 各segment的定义 ) 三种方法将某个地址放入某register MOV R0, #0x10 (不建议)墙裂不建议使用MOV指令对大于一个byte (8 binary bits) 的数字进行操作,大部分情况下都会有compile-time error跟你说这个数字不能被encode到机械码(opcode)里 同时使用MOVT 和MOVW (Monitor Program的compiler默认的方法)MOVT意为MOV Top,能将某小于16 Read more…
DE1-SoC Hardware
General Interrupt Controller Polling: keep waiting, waste of resources Interrupt: keep doing other things until interruption Manual: ICCICR: must be set to 1 so that interrupt can happen ICCPMR: priority: 0 has the highest priority;Only if the hardware has a priority level higher than ICCPMR, this interrupt would be triggered. Read more…
Day 2 – C Language Review
Recommended time: 30 minutes Pointer A pointer is a variable which stores some address. The address can be a memory address, which maps to other variables or codes. In the second year, you will know that pointer can also store hardware addresses, which aids software and hardware interaction. Dereferencing operator(*): Read more…
Day 1 – C Language Review
Recommended time: 40 minutes. For Loop Q: What is a for loop?A: A for loop … Initializes some index Checks if the condition is valid If the condition is valid, do somethingIf the condition is not valid, go below the for-loop Nested For-Loop Q: What is a nested for-loop?A: Well… Read more…